Help shape the lightweight construction of tomorrow
Innovation and continuous product development – these are two of the cornerstones of our 30-year success story. We developed and introduced to the market almost all Tailored Products used in modern lightweight construction. We are proud of this – and it motivates us to continue finding the best possible solutions for our customers.
The customer is our focus
The requirements for lightweight construction and functionality are constantly increasing. We accept this challenge gladly and constantly develop our Tailored Products. We focus our research and development on the needs of our customers – and even go the extra mile: We find answers today to the questions of tomorrow. In close cooperation with our customers, we do not shy away from unconventional solutions. We always keep the cost-effectiveness and suitability for mass production of our products strongly in focus.
Unique partnership and expert network
We can rely on a unique partnership and network of experts in our product development: For example, our colleagues at Baosteel Lasertechnik GmbH add their experience in the manufacture of laser systems. When searching for ideas and clarifying scientific questions, we rely on external collaborations with renowned institutes and universities.
Our latest developments include Tailored Aluminum Blanks (TAB®), Hotform Blanks, Tailor Welded Coils and Tailored Orbitals® . Get in touch with us – we are happy to advise you.
Our innovation projects
Tailored Aluminum Blanks – TAB®
Lighter than aluminum
With our laser-welded blanks made of aluminum, the research department of Baosteel Tailored Blanks has brought a product to market which is even lighter and therefore much cheaper to use than a mono blank made of aluminum.
Innovative laser welding process
Together with our cooperation partners Novelis, the global leader in aluminum rolled products, we have developed a method by which we can bring the tailored principle to aluminum. With this innovative technology, we manufacture custom aluminum blanks of differing grades, thicknesses and coatings.
First series orders
Since 2015, we have been producing Tailored blanks made of aluminum for the automotive industry at the world’s first manufacturing facility of this kind. So far, the focus has been on 5000 series and 6000 series alloys. High-strength 6000 and 7000 series alloys, as well as mixed compounds are currently in development.
Hotform Blanks
Tailored Blanks for hot forming
Hotform Blanks have become firmly established in the automotive industry since their introduction in 2007. The proportion of tailored blanks used for hot forming continues to grow immensely. That’s why our research team is working intensively on the development of this product. Our mission: To meet the technological challenges of tomorrow.
Advanced process window
In 2014, we managed to improve the hardening process by the targeted introduction of alloying elements in the weld. This gives our customers a huge benefit because the desired mechanical properties are ensured after hot forming, especially during any difficult forming processes – large sheet thicknesses or large differences in thickness of the sheets, for example. We have used this technology as standard ever since.
Hotwire technology: new methods without ablation
When it comes to welding manganese-boron steel, common practice used to state that the AlSi coating of edges to be welded must be removed. Our new process dispenses with this production step. By adding a filler material, we are able to reduce costs. Many OEMs have approved the process.
Tailored Orbitals®
Tubes with great potential
Tailored Orbitals® are individual segments fitted together frontally; they enable new construction methods by using different materials and/or wall thicknesses in one part. They are mainly used in automobile exhaust systems due to their lightweight potential.
More economical by use of new methods
Baosteel Tailored Blanks have developed a new production route for this proven product: The starting material is a Tailor Welded Coil, welded in our production facility, cut into single sheets, then formed into a tube and welded. This new method makes the part geometry of our lightweight tubes flexible and reduces manufacturing costs.
Tailored Stainless Solutions
Stainless solutions for exhaust systems
Tailored Products made of corrosion-resistant steels have been especially proven in exhaust systems, because the savings in the use of costly materials reduce costs significantly. A customized mix of materials enables new functional solutions and compensates for the thermal expansion of ferrite-austenite joints. In addition, higher alloyed materials right up to Ni-based alloys can be introduced into corrosive and/or thermally critical part areas.
We are continuously working on further laser-welded applications made of stainless steel to meet the increasing demands faced in the exhaust area.
Magnesium Tailored Blanks
Lowest density meets high strength
Magnesium Tailored Blanks have enormous potential for weight reduction: Magnesium combines the lowest density with high strength, compared to other metallic materials. The potential weight savings made by using magnesium is even comparable with carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP). In this comparison, however, magnesium has several clear advantages:
- significantly lower price compared to CFRP
- better availability of material
- Sustainability
With the help of magnesium, applications or parts are created that are cannot be manufactured in the conventional way. For example, Magnesium Tailored Blanks enable production of floor panels in a width which is not otherwise available.
Our partners
We work closely with various partners. Here is a selection.